Tips for Moving to a New Neighborhood or City

woman in blue shorts and black boots standing beside yellow and white truck during daytime

After the COVID-19 pandemic, especially with the market as hot as it is, I’ve seen so many people making big moves. Moving to a new town, city or even neighborhood can mean a lot of changes that aren’t always easy to plan for ahead of time. Here are a few of my tips for those thinking of making a move, or those that have recently relocated!

woman in black long sleeve shirt using macbook

1.     Do a little research

What is the average demographic where you’re moving? Are people around the same age? Do they make a similar income?

Do they speak the same language?

Knowing what to expect will help you to adjust when you get there and will give you an idea of how to break the ice with your new neighbors.

2.     Make a list of nearby restaurants, bars, activities you want to try etc.

Even just a quick Google search of your new area can be enough to get the ball rolling! Pick out a few places you want to try and make a plan for after the move to try somewhere new once a month or once a week! This is a great way to get to know your area, the local people and get out and have some fun

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3.     Explore!

Do you like to bike or run? Or listen to music and take walks? This is the perfect way to get to know your new area, meet people and find new spots to check out. Exploring an area on foot or bike is a great way to understand your new neighborhood in the same way your neighbors do!


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Are you planning to make a move? Let’s get in touch!