Buying your first home is an incredibly exciting milestone – but it’s not without its stressors and challenges. Any homeowner or experienced realtor will tell you that the process can come with many surprises and unexpected factors. One of the best ways to minimize your stress and set yourself up for a smoother process is consider these questions yourself, with your partner if you’re buying a home together, and with your realtor!
1. What’s my realistic budget?
If you have trouble with this one, your realtor should be able to help!
2. Why is the seller leaving?
People move for lots of reasons – be sure to find out why the owners of the home you’re interested in are leaving.
3. How long has the house been on the market?
If it’s been awhile, ask your realtor why that might be!
4. What’s included in the sale?
Are there appliances in the home you’re hoping to keep? Double check what will be included and what the sellers will be taking with them.
5. How much will I pay in closing costs?
Your realtor should be up front with you about closing costs, so you know what to expect on the big day!
Asking yourself these questions, with input from people you trust, will help you so much in this exciting process!
Are you looking to buy or sell? Let’s be in touch!