We love featuring local businesses, vendors, communities and giving updates in the real estate market. Check back often for new blogs!

iBrows Studio - Local Business Spotlight

iBrows Studio - Local Business Spotlight

Local Business Spotlight Alert Bailey Pate and Melissa Mathews visit iBrows Studio to learn what the buzz around…

What to expect after you list your home

What to expect after you list your home

After all of the preparation required to list your home, you are probably ready to relax and wait…

How to decide if you should remodel or …

How to decide if you should remodel or …

After living in a home for several years, it can be easy to discover things you may not…

Long Distance House Hunting

Long Distance House Hunting

Regular house-hunting isn't always easy, but adding distance into the mix can present challenges you don't have when…

Should I Rent or Buy a Home?

Should I Rent or Buy a Home?

Choosing whether to rent or own a home is not an easy decision. It requires you to carefully…

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